Thursday 3 January 2008


Terima kasih kepada salah seorang kawan AD yang mengirimkan kata-kata ini .Suatu kata-kata yang dapat menenangkan dan dapat membangkitkan kembali rasa kita apabila kita dilanda masalah atau musibah..Thanks a lot my fren....Sesuatu yang berlaku itu dengan takdirNYA untuk menguji setakat mana keimanan dan kesabaran yang kita ada.Kita mesti yakin dan percaya pada diri bahawa kita sedang diuji.Diuji dengan pelbagai perkara yang kadangkala kita tidak pernah termimpi sekalipun.Apa yang pasti kita haruslah pasrah dan redha bahawa yang diuji itu adalah diri kita sendiri.Ketentuan yang ada itu janganlah melemahkan diri kita malah jadikan ia sebagai suatu titik tolak untuk kita menjadi lebih baik.Insyallah....

Keep Believing In Yourself

There may be days
when you get up in the morning

and things aren't the way
you had hoped they would be.
That's when you have to

tell yourself that things will get better
There are times when people
disappoint you and let you down

but those are the times
when you must remind yourself

to trust your own judgements and opinions
to keep your life focused on believing in yourself
all that you are capable of.
There will be challenges to face
and changes to make in your life
and it is up to you to accept them.

Constantly keep yourself headed
in the right direction for you
It may not be easy at times

but in those times of struggle

you will find a stronger sense of who you are

and you will also see yourself

developing into the person
you have always wanted to be.

Life is a journey through time
filled with many choices
each of us will experience life

in our own special way
so when the days come
that are filled with
frustration and unexpected responsibilities

remember to believe in yourself
and all you want your life to be
because the challenges and changes
will only help you to find the dreams
that you know are meant to come true for you...

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